(2008) Change and continuity in the role of industrial relations actors in Romania: case study evidence. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management, 8 (5). pp. 565-580. ISSN 1368-275X
(2008) Co-creating an educational space. Educational Journal of Living Theories, 1 (1). pp. 50-68. ISSN 2009-1788
(2008) Health for sale: mountebanks, doctors, printers and the supply of medication in eighteenth-century Ireland. Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, 108C . pp. 75-113.
(2008) Aldehyde dehydrogenase 1A1 and gelsolin identified as novel invasion-modulating factors in conditioned medium of pancreatic cancer cells. Journal of Proteomics, 71 (5). pp. 561-571. ISSN 1874-3919
(2008) Analysis of bit rate dependence up to 80 Gbit/s of a simple wavelength converter based on XPM in a SOA and a shifted filtering. Optics Communications, 281 (23). pp. 5731-5738. ISSN 0030-4018
(2008) Communion and agency judgments of women and men as a function of role information and response format. European Journal of Social Psychology, 38 (7). pp. 1148-1155. ISSN 0046-2772
(2008) Investigation on the origin of terahertz waves generated by dc-biased multimode semiconductor lasers at room temperature. Applied Physics Letters, 93 (24). ISSN 0003-6951
(2008) Nanosensors, big benefit or big brother. Nano Magazine (9). ISSN 1757-2517
(2008) Pose estimation for objects with planar surfaces using eigenimage and range data analysis. Machine Vision and Applications, 18 (6). pp. 355-365. ISSN 0932-8092
(2008) Structural and electrical characterisation of ion-implanted strained silicon. Materials Science and Engineering: B, 154-15 . pp. 118-121. ISSN 0921-5107
(2008) 2,3-Difluoro-N-(2-pyridyl)benzamide. Acta Crystallographica Section E, 64 (12). ISSN 1600-5368
(2008) A comparative critique of the practice of Irish neutrality in the 'unneutral' discourse. Irish Studies in International Affairs, 19 . pp. 73-97. ISSN 0332-1460
(2008) An IR-UWB photonic distribution system. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 20 (22). pp. 1884-1886. ISSN 1041-1135
(2008) Computation of magnetic field in an actuator. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, 16 (10). pp. 1728-1736. ISSN 1569-190X
(2008) Design of magneto-rheological (MR) valve. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 148 (1). pp. 211-223. ISSN 0924-4247
(2008) Photoinitiated polymerisation of monolithic stationary phases in polyimide coated capillaries using visible region LEDs. Chemical Communications . pp. 6504-6506. ISSN 1359-7345
(2008) Ruthenium polypyridyl peptide conjugates: membrane permeable probes for cellular imaging. Chemical Communications, 2008 (42). pp. 5307-5309. ISSN 1364-548X
(2008) 3D transient thermal modelling of laser microchannel fabrication in lime-soda glass. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 207 (1-3). pp. 307-314. ISSN 0924-0136
(2008) CTex - an adaptive unsupervised segmentation algorithm based on color-texture coherence. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 17 (10). pp. 1926-1939. ISSN 1057-7149
(2008) Effect of hydroxyapatite on biodegradable scaffolds fabricated by SLS. Key Engineering Materials, 396-39 . pp. 659-662. ISSN 1013-9826
(2008) Effect of saturation and post processing on 3D printed calcium phosphate scaffolds. Key Engineering Materials, 396-39 . pp. 663-666. ISSN 1013-9826
(2008) Ireland's America: a case study of Sheridan's In America (2002) and Get Rich or Die Tryin (2005). Studies in European Cinema, 5 (1). ISSN 1741-1548
(2008) Political opposition in civil society. An analysis of the interactions of secular and religious associations in Algeria and Jordan. Government and Opposition, 43 (4). pp. 561-578. ISSN 1477-7053
(2008) The role of the Russian Federation in the Pridnestrovian conflict: an international humanitarian law perspective. Irish Studies in International Affairs, 19 . pp. 57-72. ISSN 2009-0072
(2008) e-Learning and action research as transformative practice. Innovate: Journal of Online Education, 5 (1). ISSN 1552-3233
(2008) A structural systematic study of three isomers of difluoro-N-(4-pyridyl)benzamide. Acta Crystallographica Section C, 64 (9). pp. 493-497. ISSN 0108-2701
(2008) Business, politics and money in Australia: testing economic, political and ideological explanations. Australian Journal of Political Science, 43 (3). pp. 377-393. ISSN 1036-1146
(2008) Consensus mutagenesis reveals that non-helical regions influence thermal stability of horseradish peroxidase. Biochimie, 90 (9). pp. 1389-1396. ISSN 0300-9084
(2008) Editorial: Introduction to the special issue on "semantic multimedia". Multimedia Tools and Applications, 39 (2). pp. 143-147. ISSN 1573-7721
(2008) Effects of mutations in the helix G region of horseradish peroxidase. Biochimie, 90 (9). pp. 1414-1421. ISSN 0300-9084
(2008) Quantitative multi-agent models for simulating protein release from PLGA bioerodible nano- and microspheres. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 48 (2). pp. 361-368. ISSN 0731-7085
(2008) Seprase: An overview of an important matrix serine protease. BBA - Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Proteins and Proteomics, 1784 (9). pp. 1130-1145. ISSN 1570-9639
(2008) Stretching the IR theoretical spectrum on Irish neutrality: a critical social constructivist framework. International Political Science Review, 29 (4). p. 461. ISSN 0192-5121
(2008) Wavelet multiscale analysis for hedge funds: scaling and strategies. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 387 (21). pp. 5197-5204. ISSN 0378-4371
(2008) Experimental investigation of polarization effects in semiconductor optical amplifiers and implications for all-optical switching. Journal of Lightwave Technology, 26 (16). pp. 2977-2985. ISSN 0733-8724
(2008) Suppression of residual single-photon absorption relative to two-photon absorption in high finesse planar microcavities. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 20 (16). pp. 1426-1428. ISSN 1041-1135
(2008) Photo- and solvatochromic properties of nitrobenzospiropyran in ionic liquids containing the [NTf2]- anion. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 10 . pp. 5919-5924. ISSN 1463-9084
(2008) A framework for evaluating stereo-based pedestrian detection techniques. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 18 (8). pp. 1163-1167. ISSN 1051-8215
(2008) 5',6-Dichloro-1',3',3'-trimethylspiro[2H-1-benzopyran-2,2'-indoline]. Acta Crystallographica Section E, 64 (8). pp. 1430-1431. ISSN 1600-5368
(2008) Content-based video retrieval: three example systems from TRECVid. International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology, 18 (2-3). pp. 195-201. ISSN 0899-9457
(2008) Control of welding residual stress for dissimilar laser welded materials. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 204 (1-3). pp. 22-33. ISSN 0924-0136
(2008) Development of an autonomous greenhouse gas monitoring system. Proceedings of World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 44 . pp. 153-157. ISSN 2010-376X
(2008) Development of taxane resistance in a panel of human lung cancer cell lines. Toxicology In Vitro, 22 (5). pp. 1234-1241. ISSN 0887-2333
(2008) Introduction to the special issue on semantic analysis for interactive multimedia services. Signal Processing: Image Communication, 23 (7). pp. 471-472. ISSN 0923-5965
(2008) Molecular medicine of microRNAs: structure, function and implications for diabetes. Expert Reviews in Molecular Medicine, 10 (24). ISSN 1462-3994
(2008) Optimization of tensile strength of ferritic / austenitic laser welded components. Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 46 (8). pp. 571-577. ISSN 0143-8166
(2008) A TLM method for steady‐state convection–diffusion: Some additions and refinements. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 77 (4). pp. 518-535. ISSN 0029-5981
(2008) A conceptual descriptive-comparative study of models and standards of processes in sE, swE, and It disciplines using the theory of systems. International Journal of Information Technologies and the Systems Approach, 1 (2). pp. 57-85. ISSN 1935-5718
(2008) Causal and stable reduced-order model for linear high-frequency systems. Electronics Letters, 44 (14). pp. 843-844. ISSN 1350-911X
(2008) Chemically bound gold nanoparticle arrays on silicon: assembly, properties and SERS study of protein interactions. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 10 (28). pp. 4172-4180. ISSN 1463-9084
(2008) Landfill gas monitoring at borehole wells using an autonomous environmental monitoring system. Proceedings of World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 43 . pp. 166-171. ISSN 2010-376X
(2008) Query performance prediction for information retrieval based on covering topic score. Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 23 (4). pp. 590-601. ISSN 1860-4749
(2008) Random matrix theory filters in portfolio optimisation: a stability and risk assessment. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 387 (16-17). pp. 4248-4260. ISSN 0378-4371
(2008) The other War on Terror revealed: global governmentality and the Financial Action Task Force's campaign against terrorist financing. Review of International Studies, 34 (3). pp. 553-573. ISSN 0260-2105
(2008) Two houses: legislative studies and the Atlantic divide. PS: Political Science & Politics, 41 (3). pp. 557-565. ISSN 1537-5935
(2008) Special needs and children's right to be heard under the UN convention on the rights of the child 1989 in the Republic of Ireland. Education Law Journal, 9 (2). pp. 107-118. ISSN 1469-0152
(2008) 3D multi-agent models for protein release from PLGA spherical particles with complex inner morphologies. Theory in Biosciences - Theorie in den Biowissenschaften, 127 (2). pp. 95-105. ISSN 1611-7530
(2008) Assembling an isomer grid: the isomorphous 4-, 3- and 2-fluoro-N'-(4-pyridyl)benzamides. Acta Crystallographica Section C, 64 (6). pp. 335-340. ISSN 0108-2701
(2008) Constraints on micro-Raman strain metrology for highly doped strained Si materials. Applied Physics Letters, 92 (23). ISSN 1077-3118
(2008) Optimization of different welding processes using statistical and numerical approaches – A reference guide. Advances in Engineering Software, 39 (6). pp. 483-496. ISSN 0965-9978
(2008) Polarization dependence of non-linear gain compression factor in semiconductor optical amplifier. Optics Express, 16 (12). pp. 8641-8648. ISSN 1094-4087
(2008) Developing pedagogy in infant classes in primary schools in Ireland: learning from research. Irish Educational Studies, 27 (1). pp. 55-70. ISSN 1747-4965
(2008) Apparent stress-strain relationships in experimental equipment where magnetorheological fluids operate under compression mode. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 41 (9). ISSN 1361-6463
(2008) Am I the right candidate? Self-ascribed fit of women and men to a leadership position. Sex Roles, 58 (9-10). pp. 682-688. ISSN 1573-2762
(2008) Design of a magnetostrictive (MS) actuator. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 144 (1). pp. 161-175. ISSN 0924-4247
(2008) Effectiveness of simulation on promoting student nurses management skills. International Journal of Clinical Skills, 2 (1). pp. 20-25. ISSN 1753-044X
(2008) Absorbance based light emitting diode optical sensors and sensing devices. Sensors, 8 (4). pp. 2453-2479. ISSN 1424-8220
(2008) Glazing of tool dies for semi-solid steel forming. International Journal of Material Forming, 1 (1 (Sup). pp. 985-988. ISSN 1960-6214
(2008) A novel two-section tunable discrete mode Fabry-PÉrot laser exhibiting nanosecond wavelength switching. IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, 44 (4). pp. 331-337. ISSN 0018-9197
(2008) Editorial: Introduction to the special issue on "Semantic Multimedia". Journal of Web Semantics: Science, Services and Agents on the World Wide Web, 6 (2). pp. 137-138. ISSN 1570-8268
(2008) The foundation and development of Na Fianna Éireann, 1909-16. Irish Historical Studies, 36 (141). pp. 53-71. ISSN 0021-1214
(2008) Shewanella secretes flavins that mediate extracellular electron transfer. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS) ISSN 1091-6490, 105 (10). pp. 3969-3973. ISSN 1091-6490
(2008) Gendered capital: emotional capital and mothers’ care work in education. British Journal of Sociology of Education, 29 (2). pp. 137-148. ISSN 0142-5692
(2008) La rivoluzione mancata. Della presenza e della scomparsa dei movimenti Marxisti in Iran. Critica Marxista, 46 (2-3). pp. 103-112. ISSN 0011-152X
(2008) Civil society, democracy promotion and Islamism on the southern shores of the Mediterranean. Mediterranean Politics, 13 (1). pp. 109-119. ISSN 1743-9418
(2008) Pulse pedestal suppression using four-wave mixing in an SOA. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 20 (5). pp. 327-329. ISSN 1041-1135
(2008) Techniques for clustering gene expression data. Computers in Biology and Medicine, 38 (3). pp. 283-293. ISSN 0010-4825
(2008) Using Taguchi method to optimize welding pool of dissimilar laser welded components. Optics & Laser Technology, 40 (2). pp. 379-388. ISSN 0030-3992
(2008) Wide-coverage deep statistical parsing using automatic dependency structure annotation. Computational Linguistics, 34 (1). pp. 81-124.
(2008) Political fragmentation, fiscal deficits and political institutionalisation. Public Choice, 136 (3-4). pp. 255-267. ISSN 1573-7101
(2008) Terahertz wave generation from a dc-biased multimode laser. Applied Physics Letters, 92 (8). pp. 1-3. ISSN 0003-6951
(2008) Separation of oxidatively damaged DNA Nucleobases and Nucleosides on Packed and Monolith C18 Columns by HPLC-UV-EC. Journal of Chromatography B, 863 (1). pp. 181-186. ISSN 1570-0232
(2008) Towards an agenda for professional development in assessment. Journal of Inservice Education, 34 (1). pp. 109-114. ISSN 1367-4587
(2008) (η⁵-Cyclopentadienyl){[3-(2,2-dicyanoethenyl)bicyclo[2.2.1]hepta-2,5-dien-2-yl]ethynyl}(triphenylphosphine)nickel(II). Acta Crystallographica Section E, 64 (2). p. 411. ISSN 1600-5368
(2008) Is democracy promotion effective in Moldova? The impact of European institutions on development of civil and political rights in Moldova. Democratization, 15 (1). pp. 142-161. ISSN 1351-0347
(2008) Macroeconomic policy change: Ireland in comparative perspective. Irish Political Studies, 23 (1). pp. 75-97. ISSN 0790-7184
(2008) Multi-response optimization of CO2 laser welding process of austenitic stainless steel. Optics & Laser Technology, 40 (1). pp. 76-87. ISSN 0030-3992
(2008) No WSSD + 5? Global environmental diplomacy in the twenty-first century. Environmental Politics, 17 (1). pp. 121-125. ISSN 0964-4016
(2008) The perils of semi-presidentialism. Are they exaggerated? Democratization, 15 (1). pp. 49-66. ISSN 1351-0347
(2008) Characterization of frequency drift of sampled-grating DBR laser module under direct modulation. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 20 (2). pp. 72-74. ISSN 1041-1135
(2008) Information systems, software engineering, and systems thinking: challenges and opportunities. International Journal of Information Technologies and the Systems Approach, 1 (1). pp. 62-76. ISSN 1935-5718
(2008) Optimised design of nested oblong tube energy absorbers under lateral impact loading. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 35 (1). pp. 10-26. ISSN 0734-743X
(2008) Review: Nadja Nesselhauf, Collocations in a learner corpus. John Benjamins, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2005, xii +331 pp. Machine Translation, 20 (4). pp. 301-303. ISSN 0922-6567
(2008) Sintering behaviour of cobalt ferrite ceramic. Ceramics International, 34 (1). pp. 15-21. ISSN 0272-8842
(2008) The uses of mercury equipment and products in Irish healthcare. Irish Medical Journal, 102 (1). ISSN 0332-3102
(2008) A fully automatic CAD-CTC system based on curvature analysis for standard and low-dose CT data. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 55 (3). pp. 888-901. ISSN 0018-9294
(2008) Age is just a number? Rethinking learning over the lifecourse. Ageing Horizons, 2008 (8). pp. 22-30.
(2008) An evaluation of a collaborative approach to the assessment of competence among nursing students of three universities in Ireland. Nurse Education Today, 29 (5). pp. 493-499. ISSN 0260-6917
(2008) An investigation into software development process formation in software start-ups. Journal of Enterprise Information Management (previously Logistics Information Management), 21 (6). pp. 633-648. ISSN 1741-0398
(2008) An ontological framework for web service processes. International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, 18 (3). pp. 383-411. ISSN 0218-1940
(2008) Book review and commentary on evidence-based management. Irish Journal of Management, 29 (1). pp. 35-42. ISSN 1649-248X
(2008) Characterization of a turbo-switch SOA wavelength converter using spectrographic pulse measurement. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 14 (3). pp. 841-848. ISSN 1077-260X
(2008) Collaboration on a grand scale: facilitating the transition of first year students into higher education. Sconul Focus, 2008 (44). pp. 19-22. ISSN 1745-5790
(2008) Connection and peripheral encounters in Paris bout du monde and Les Passagers du Roissy-Express: text and photography by François Maspero and Anaïk Frantz. Journal of Romance Studies, 8 (1). pp. 91-106. ISSN 1752–2331
(2008) Constructing a SenseCam visual diary as a media process. Multimedia Systems Journal, 14 (6). pp. 341-349. ISSN 1432-1882
(2008) Content-driven design and architecture of E-learning applications. Advanced Technology for Learning, 5 (1). ISSN 1710-2251
(2008) Design and application of magnetostrictive materials. Materials & Design, 29 (2). pp. 469-483. ISSN 0261-3069
(2008) Design of a capillary viscometer with numerical and computational methods. International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management (IJMTM), 15 (2). pp. 246-252. ISSN 1368-2148
(2008) Die Bedeutung von Informationen zur sozialen Rolle für die Reduktion geschlechtsstereotypen Urteilens: Ein methodisches Artefakt? Zeitschrift für Sozialpsychologie, 38 (4). ISSN 2235-1477
(2008) EU external policy-making and the case of Morocco: 'Realistically' dealing with authoritarianism? European Foreign Affairs Review, 13 (3). pp. 357-376. ISSN 1384-6299
(2008) Electrical, structural, and chemical properties of HfO₂ films formed by electron beam evaporation. Journal of Applied Physics, 104 (6). 064113-1. ISSN 0021-8979
(2008) GaAs interfacial self-cleaning by atomic layer deposition. Applied Physics Letters, 92 (7). 071901-1. ISSN 0003-6951
(2008) Hard law, soft edge? Information, consultation and partnership. Employee Relations, 30 (6). pp. 608-622. ISSN 0142-5455
(2008) Indium stability on InGaAs during atomic H surface cleaning. Applied Physics Letters, 92 (17). pp. 171906-1. ISSN 0003-6951
(2008) Investigating software process in practice: A grounded theory perspective. Journal of Systems and Software, 81 (5). pp. 772-784. ISSN 0164-1212
(2008) Laser surface modification of tool steel for semi-solid steel forming. Solid State Phenomena, 141-14 . pp. 255-260. ISSN 1012-0394
(2008) Louise le Brocquy's philosophical navagatio. Journal of Franco-Irish Studies, 1 (1). pp. 27-41. ISSN 2009-7395
(2008) Performance evaluation of flexible manufacturing systems under uncertain and dynamic situations. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 222 (7). pp. 915-934. ISSN 2041-2975
(2008) Personalised correction, feedback, and guidance in an automated tutoring system for skills training. International Journal of Knowledge and Learning (IJKL), 4 (1). pp. 75-92. ISSN 1741-1009
(2008) Polarization control in two-color above-threshold ionization of atomic helium. Physical Review Letters, 101 (19). pp. 193002-1. ISSN 0031-9007
(2008) Polystyrene bead-based system for optical sensing using spiropyran photoswitches. Journal of Material Chemistry, 18 . pp. 5063-5071. ISSN 1364-5501
(2008) Productivity and quality in the post-editing of outputs from translation memories and machine translation. Localisation Focus The International Journal of Localisation, 7 (1). pp. 11-21. ISSN 1649-2358
(2008) Public opinion and development issues: a survey of Irish university student opinions. Irish Studies in International Affairs,, 19 . pp. 209-226. ISSN 0332-1460
(2008) Religion and Irish cinema in studies. Studies: An Irish Quarterly Review, 97 (387). ISSN 0039-3495
(2008) Review: After optimism? Ireland, racism and globalisation. Translocations: Migration and Social Change, 3 (1). pp. 176-179. ISSN 2009-0420
(2008) Segmentation of the left ventricle of the heart in 3-D+t MRI data using an optimized nonrigid temporal model. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 27 (2). pp. 195-203. ISSN 0278-0062
(2008) Semantic model-driven development of web service architectures. International Journal of Web Engineering and Technology, 4 (3). pp. 386-404. ISSN 1476-1289
(2008) Semi-presidentialism and democratic performance. Japanese Journal of Political Science, 9 (3). pp. 323-340. ISSN 1474-0060
(2008) The Irish Research electronic Library initiative – levelling the playing field? Library Management, 29 (8). pp. 757-769. ISSN 0143-5124
(2008) The influence of managerial experience and style on software development process. International Journal of Technology, Policy and Management (IJTPM), 8 (1). pp. 91-109. ISSN 1468-4322
(2008) The phylogeny of the mammalian heme peroxidases and the evolution of their diverse functions. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 8 . pp. 101-111. ISSN 1471-2148
(2008) The transmission of work-related attitudes: a social learning analysis. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 23 (5). pp. 524-557. ISSN 0268-3946
(2008) Téarmaíocht na Gaeilge: turgnamh in vitro. Taighde agus Teagasc, 6 . pp. 1-31. ISSN 1473-7078
(2008) Unlocking the black box: line managers and HRM performance in a call centre context. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 57 (4). pp. 275-296. ISSN 1741-0401
(2008) 'We know them, but we don't know them': a grounded theory approach to exploring host students' perspectives on intercultural contact in an Irish university. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
(2008) A finite element approach for the implementation of magnetostrictive material terfenol-D in automotive CNG fuel injection actuation. Master of Engineering thesis, Dublin City University.
(2008) A novel dependency-based evaluation metric for machine translation. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
(2008) A phenomenological re-interpretation o f Horner’s fear of success in terms of social class. Master of Arts thesis, Dublin City University.
(2008) A quantitative study of the relationships between morphology, physiology and geldanamycin synthesis in submerged cultures of Streptomyces hygroscopicus var. geldanus. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
(2008) Amino acid interactions of spiropyran. Master of Science thesis, Dublin City University.
(2008) An exploration in language pedagogy: developing oral language skills in three and four year old children in an early intervention setting. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
(2008) Analysis of oxidative damage to DNA mediated by transition metal-Fenton reactions. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
(2008) Aspects of cohesion in web site translation: a translator's perspective. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
(2008) Autonomous agent-based modelling of resistance frequencies in pathogenic bacteria. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
(2008) Bard of Modem Ireland: Perspectives on Voice and Mask within the Poetry of Brendan Kennelly. La voix et ses masques: approches de la poésie de Brendan Kennedy dans le cadre de la tradition bardique irlandaise. PhD thesis, Dublin City University/Universite Sorbonne Nouvelle.
(2008) Combinatorics, geometry and homology of non-crossing partition lattices for finite reflection groups. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
(2008) Conjugated metallopolymer systems for electrochemiluminescence enhancement: new approaches and materials. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
(2008) Data-driven machine translation for sign languages. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
(2008) Dead-end and crossflow microfiltration of yeast and bentonite suspensions: experimental and modelling studies incorporating the use of artificial neural networks. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
(2008) Design and development of a radial vortex flow control device. Master of Engineering thesis, Dublin City University.
(2008) Design of a switched reluctance machine drive for automotive applications. Master of Engineering thesis, Dublin City University.
(2008) Development of a low power reactive wireless chemical sensing network. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
(2008) Development of a measurement for technology learning process (TLP). PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
(2008) Development of synthetic techniques in the design and synthesis of novel heteronuclear polypyridyl complexes. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
(2008) Division of labour and sharing of knowledge for synchronous collaborative information retrieval. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
(2008) Effect of acute exercise on postprandial lipemia and biomarkers of endothelial dysfunction and inflammation in normal weight and overweight adolescents. Master of Science thesis, Dublin City University.
(2008) Energy efficient enabling technologies for semantic video processing on mobile devices. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
(2008) Enhancing person annotation for personal photo management using content and context based technologies. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
(2008) Evaluation of the influence of personality types on performance of shared tasks in a collaborative environment. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
(2008) Exploiting multi-word units in statistical parsing and generation. Master of Science thesis, Dublin City University.
(2008) Factors governing nitrification in an activated sludge system treating a pharmaceutical wastewater. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
(2008) Feasibility and optimization of dissimilar laser welding components. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
(2008) Finite element assisted prediction of ductile fracture in sheet bulging of magnesium alloys. Master of Engineering thesis, Dublin City University.
(2008) From Mary Ward (1585-1645) to Michael (Frances) Corcoran (1846-1927) the educational legacy of the Loreto Order. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
(2008) Haem and xenosiderophore mediated iron acquisition by sinorhizobium meliloti and pseudomonas aeruginosa. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
(2008) Improving literacy achievement in a disadvantaged primary school : empowering classroom teachers through professional development. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
(2008) Innovation and the economic performance of the primary information sector: a multidisciplinary approach. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
(2008) Modulation of exercise-induced gene expression in human skeletal muscle by exercise intensity, training status and short-term endurance training. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
(2008) Molecular basis for the therapeutic uses of botulinum toxin for chronic pain. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
(2008) Multi-layered model of individual HIV infection progression and mechanisms of phenotypical expression. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
(2008) Optimisation of hydroxyapatite (HAp) for orthopaedic application via the chemical precipitation technique. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
(2008) Optimisation of plasma sprayed hydroxyapatite coatings. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
(2008) Photodecarboxylative additions to phthalimides and their application in the synthesis of AKS-186 and its analogues. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
(2008) Propagation of molecular outflows into inhomogeneous media. Master of Science thesis, Dublin City University.
(2008) Repression of the pro-apoptotic bik gene by the Epstein-Barr virus. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
(2008) Selfhood and sacrifice: “making sacred” and “making the modem identity” (A Comparative Study of Selected Works by René Girard and Charles Taylor). PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
(2008) Simulation study of a semi-automated flexible production line. Master of Engineering thesis, Dublin City University.
(2008) Social relations, human resource management, and knowledge transfer in work organisations: toward an integrated approach. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
(2008) Sol-gel planar lightwave circuits for sensing and telecommunications. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
(2008) Sol-gel-derived optical oxygen, pH and dissolved carbon dioxide sensors. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
(2008) Statistical modelling and inference for financial auditing. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
(2008) Student involvement in science in the junior primary school: a video-analysis of a multi-grade classroom setting in Ireland. Master of Science thesis, Dublin City University.
(2008) The application of manifold based visual speech units for visual speech recognition. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
(2008) The behaviour of magnetorheological fluids in squeeze mode. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
(2008) The effect of helicobacter pylori on endothelial cell properties and functions: a putative role in vascular dysfunction. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
(2008) The importance of teaching about the nature of science in the primary classroom. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
(2008) The mechanics of drug dissolution: a demonstration of the potential of mathematical and numerical methods for solving flow related problems in pharmaceutics. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
(2008) The person's experience of end stage renal disease and haemodialysis. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
(2008) The role of a nurse-led vascular risk reduction clinic in diabetes care. Master of Science thesis, Dublin City University.
(2008) The role of computer mediated environment and simulations in mediating consumers' personal and domestic life-worlds. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
(2008) The synthesis, structural characterization and biological evaluation of potential chemotherapeutic agents. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
(2008) Towards a machine-learning architecture for lexical functional grammar parsing. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
(2008) Tracing the journey of cross-cultural adaptation of Polish migrant women in Ireland - a process of creating home when home is away. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
(2008) Unsupervised segmentation of natural images based on the adaptive integration of colour-texture descriptors. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
(2008) A study of clinical strains of Pseudomonas Aeruginosa and the investigation of antibiotic resistance mechanisms in the multidrug resistant strain PA13. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
(2008) Accelerated volumetric reconstruction from uncalibrated camera views. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
(2008) Cryptographic key distribution in wireless sensor networks: a hardware perspective. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
(2008) Development and validation of software solutions to eliminate bottlenecks in the application of high-throughput quantitative immunohistochemistry. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
(2008) Docetaxel uptake and modulation of P-gpmediated docetaxel efflux by tyrosine kinase inhibitors in human lung carcinoma cell lines. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
(2008) Evaluation of the microstructural, electronic and optoelectronic properties of ƴ-CuCl thin films and their fabrication on Si substrates. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
(2008) Investigation of wavelength tunable laser modules for use in future optically switched dense wavelength division multiplexed networks. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
(2008) Molecular mechanisms of drug resistance, invasion and metastasis in pancreatic carcinoma. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
(2008) Pedestrian detection and tracking using stereo vision techniques. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
(2008) A role for polyunsaturated fatty acids in Th1-mediated disease. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
(2008) Antibody-based biosensor assays for the detection of zilpaterol and markers for prostate cancer. Master of Science thesis, Dublin City University.
(2008) Experimental and numerical investigation of wire waveguides for therapeutic ultrasound angioplasty. Master of Engineering thesis, Dublin City University.
(2008) Globalization and the diffusion of gender policy reforms in Latin America. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
(2008) Implementation of hierarchical design for manufacture rules in manufacturing processes. Master of Engineering thesis, Dublin City University.
(2008) Investigations into the model driven design of distribution patterns for web service compositions. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
(2008) Structural studies of Copper Tetra-Tert-Butyl Phthalocyanine Langmuir-Blodgett and vacuum deposited films. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
(2008) The investigation of ion-exchange properties of novel zwitterionic and amphoteric stationary phases and their application to the separation of inorganic and organic ions. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
(2008) Voices from the Hinterland: lesbian women's experience of Irish health care. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
(2008) Information access tasks and evaluation for personal lifelogs. In: 2nd International workshop on Evaluating Information Access (EVIA), 16 December 2008, Tokyo, Japan.
(2008) Lectin based glycoprotein analysis. In: Glycosciences Ireland, 12 Dec 2008, NUIG, Galway, Ireland.
(2008) Providing effective memory retrieval cues through automatic structuring and augmentation of a lifelog of images. In: Seminar at the Multimedia Information Retrieval Group, Yahoo! Research, 11 December 2008, Barcelona, Spain.
(2008) The K-Space segmentation tool set. In: SAMT 2008 - 3rd International Conference on Semantic and Multimedia Technologies, 3-5 December 2008, Koblenz, Germany.
(2008) Removing pose from face images. In: 4th International Symposium on Visual Computing (ISVC08), 1-3 Dec 2008, Las Vegas, NA.
(2008) A collaborative approach to video summarization. In: SAMT 2008 - 3rd International Conference on Semantic and Digital Media Technologies, 3-5 Dec 2008, Koblenz, Germany.
(2008) Integrating sensor streams in pHealth networks. In: ICPADS 2008 - 14th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 8-10 December, 2008, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. ISBN 978-0-7695-3434-3
(2008) Jihadi video and auto-radicalisation: evidence from an exploratory YouTube study. In: EuroISI 2008 - First European Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics, 3-5 December 2008, Esbjerg, Denmark. ISBN 978-3-540-89899-3
(2008) Dublin City University at TRECVID 2008. In: TRECVid 2008, 17-18 November 2008, Gaithersburg, MD.
(2008) TRECVID 2008 - goals, tasks, data, evaluation mechanisms and metrics. In: TRECVid 2008, 17-18 November 2008, Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA.
(2008) The effect of personality on collaborative task performance and interaction. In: CollaborateCom 2008 - The 4th International Conference on Collaborative Computing: Networking, Applications and Worksharing, 13-16 November 2008, Orlando, Florida, USA. ISBN 978-3-642-03353-7
(2008) An architecture for autonomic web service process planning. In: 3rd Workshop on Emerging Web Service Technologies WEWST'2008, 12 Nov 2008, Dublin, Ireland.
(2008) Towards pattern-based service identification. In: 3rd Workshop on Emerging Web Service Technologies, 12 Nov. 2008, Dublin, Ireland.
(2008) Automatically providing effective memory retrieval cues. In: Seminar at the Cognitive Psychology Research Group, University of Leeds, 11 November 2008, University of Leeds, UK.
(2008) Integrating multiple sensor modalities for environmental monitoring of marine locations. In: SenSys 2008 - 6th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems, 5-7 November 2008, Raleigh, NC, USA. ISBN 978-1-59593-990-6
(2008) User localisation using visual sensing and RF signal strength. In: ImageSense 2008, 4 November 2008, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA.
(2008) Automatic summarization of rushes video using bipartite graphs. In: SAMT 2008 - 3rd International Conference on Semantic and Multimedia Technologies, 3-5 December 2008, Koblenz, Germany. ISBN 978-3-540-92234-6
(2008) K-Space at TRECVid 2008. In: TRECVid 2008, 17-18 November 2008, Gaithersburg, Maryland.
(2008) Strategies for embedding eLearning in traditional universities: drivers and barriers. In: ECEL 2008 - The Proceedings of the 7th European Conference on e-Learning, 6-7 November 2008, Agia Napa, Cyprus. ISBN 978-1-906638-23-8
(2008) Validating the detection of everyday concepts in visual lifelogs. In: SAMT 2008 - 3rd International Conference on Semantic and Multimedia Technologies, 3-5 December 2008, Koblenz, Germany. ISBN 978-3-540-92234-6
(2008) The TRECVid 2008 BBC rushes summarization evaluation. In: TVS 2008 - TRECVID BBC Rushes Summarization Workshop, Oct 27 - Nov 1 2008, Vancouver, BC, Canada. ISBN 978-1-60558-303-7
(2008) Towards computational autobiographical narratives through human digital memories. In: SRMC 2008 - 2nd ACM Workshop on Story Representation, Mechanism and Context, 31 October 2008, Vancouver, Canada.
(2008) Combining image descriptors to effectively retrieve events from visual lifelogs. In: MIR 2008 - ACM International Conference on Multimedia Information Retrieval, 30-31 October, Vancouver, Canada.
(2008) Development of optical sensing system for detection of Fe ions using conductive polymer actuator based microfluidic pump. In: IEEE Sensors 2008, 26-29 October 2008, Lecce, Italy.
(2008) Evaluation of a low cost wireless chemical sensor network for environmental monitoring. In: IEEE Sensors 2008, 26-29 October 2008, Lecce, Italy.
(2008) Chemical event tracking using a low-cost wireless chemical sensing network. In: IEEE Sensors 2008, 26-29 October 2008, Lecce, Italy.
(2008) DCU at the TREC 2008 Blog Track. In: TREC 2008 - Text REtrieval Conference, Gaithersburg, MD.
(2008) Balancing the power of multimedia information retrieval and usability in designing interactive TV. In: uxTV 2008 - First International Conference on Designing Interactive User Experiences for TV and Video, 22-24 October 2008, Mountain View, CA, U.S.A..
(2008) Opening access to higher education to all? What motivates academic staff in traditional universities to adopt elearning? In: Fifth European Distance & eLearning Network Research Workshop 2008, 20-22 October 2008, Paris, France.
(2008) Context and content analysis for managing personal media archives. In: Invited Seminar at MSRA, Beijing, Beijing.
(2008) Information retrieval challenges of maintaining a context-aware human digital memory. In: Invited Seminar, 08 October 2008, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China.
(2008) Ion-selective electrodes in real-life applications: can we reduce or even eliminate the need for calibration? In: Matrafured 2008, 5-10 October 2008, Dobogoko, Hungary.
(2008) A study of remembered context for information access from personal digital archives. In: IIiX 2008 - 2nd international symposium on Information interaction in context, 14-17 October 2008, London, UK. ISBN 978-1-60558-310-5
(2008) Capturing personal health data from wearable sensors. In: SWDMNSS 2008 - The 2nd International Workshop on SensorWebs, Databases and Mining in Networked Sensing Systems, 28 July - 1 August, 2008, Turku, Finland. ISBN 978-0-7695-3297-4
(2008) Dublin City University at the TRECVid 2008 BBC rushes summarisation task. In: TVS 2008 - TRECVID BBC Rushes Summarization Workshop at ACM Multimedia 2008, October 2008, Vancouver, Canada. ISBN 978-1-60558-309-9
(2008) Rushes video summarization using a collaborative approach. In: TVS 2008 - TRECVID BBC Rushes Summarization Workshop at ACM Multimedia 2008, 26-31 Oct 2008, Vancouver, Canada. ISBN 978-1-60558-309-9
(2008) Developing a MovieBrowser for supporting analysis and browsing of movie content. In: iHCI 2008 - Irish Human Computer Interaction Conference 2008, 19-20 September 2008, Cork, Ireland.
(2008) Guidelines for the presentation and visualisation of lifelog content. In: iHCI 2008 - Irish Human Computer Interaction Conference 2008, 19-20 September 2008, Cork, Ireland.
(2008) Diversity in image retrieval: DCU at ImageCLEFPhoto 2008. In: CLEF Workshop ImageCLEF - Image Retrieval in CLEF, 17-19 September 2008, Aarhus, Denmark.
(2008) Pattern based processing of XPath queries. In: IDEAS 2008 - International Symposium on Database Engineering and Applications, 10 - 12 Sept 2008, Coimbra, Portugal. ISBN 978-1-60558-188-0
(2008) Miniature, all-solid-state ion-selective sensor as a detector in autonomous, deployable sensing device. In: Matrafüred 2008, 5-10 October 2008, Dobogόkö, Hungary.
(2008) Polyaniline nanoparticles for sensing applications. In: The 59th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry,, 7-12 Sept 2008, University of Seville, Seville, Spain.
(2008) Low complexity intra video coding using transform domain prediction. In: VIIP 2008 - 8th IASTED International Conference on Visualization, Imaging, and Image Processing, 1-3 September 2008, Palma De Mallorca, Spain. ISBN 978-0-88986-759-8
(2008) The SenseCam as a tool for task observation. In: HCI 2008 - 22nd BCS HCI Group Conference (HCI 2008), 1-5 September 2008, Liverpool, UK.
(2008) A graduate capability focused top down approach for developing third level programmes. In: ISEE-08 - International Symposium for Engineering Education, 8-10 September 2008, Dublin City University, Ireland. ISBN 1872327737
(2008) A project based approach to learning for first year engineering students. In: ISEE-08 - International Symposium for Engineering Education, 8-10 September 2008, Dublin City University, Ireland. ISBN 1872327737
(2008) A software engineering lifecycle standard for very small enterprises. In: EuroSPI 2008 - European Systems and Software Process Improvement and Innovation, 3-5 September 2008, Dublin, Ireland. ISBN 978-3-540-85936-9
(2008) Affects of student attendance on performance in undergraduate materials and manufacturing modules. In: ISEE-08 - International Symposium for Engineering Education, 8-10 September 2008, Dublin City University, Ireland. ISBN 1872327737
(2008) An analysis of final year student project performance in mechanical engineering. In: ISEE-08 - International Symposium for Engineering Education, 8-10 September 2008, Dublin City University, Ireland. ISBN 1872327737
(2008) An overview of laser surface modification of die steels. In: 25th International Manufacturing Conference, 3-5 Sept 2008, Dublin, Ireland.
(2008) Bologna Treaty from the view of students and graduates. In: ISEE-08 - International Symposium for Engineering Education, 8-10 September 2008, Dublin City University, Ireland. ISBN 1872327737
(2008) Content delivery and challenges in education hybrid students. In: ISEE-08 - International Symposium for Engineering Education, 8-10 September 2008, Dublin City University, Ireland. ISBN 1872327737
(2008) DCU at VideoClef 2008. In: CLEF 2008: Workshop on Cross-Language Information Retrieval and Evaluation, 17-19 Spet. 2008, Aarhus, Denmark,.
(2008) DORAS - increasing the visibility and impact of DCU research. In: ISEE-08 - International Symposium for Engineering Education, 8-10 September 2008, Dublin City University, Ireland. ISBN 1872327737
(2008) Development of a heat transfer and artificial neural networks teaching laboratory practical for biotechnology students. In: ISEE-08 - International Symposium for Engineering Education, 8-10 September 2008, Dublin City University, Ireland. ISBN 1872327737
(2008) Enhancing the learning environment using classroom response systems. In: ISEE-08 - International Symposium for Engineering Education, 8-10 September 2008, Dublin City University, Ireland. ISBN 1872327737
(2008) Implementation of video feedback to assist the learning of presentation skills. In: ISEE-08 - International Symposium for Engineering Education, 8-10 September 2008, Dublin City University, Ireland. ISBN 1872327737
(2008) Integrating memory context into personal information re-finding. In: Second Symposium on Future Directions in Information Access (FDIA 2008), September 2008, London, U.K,.
(2008) Multimedia retrieval in MultiMatch: The impact of speech transcript errors on search behaviour. In: The Workshop on Information Access to Cultural Heritage at the 12th European Conference on Research and Advanced Technologies for Digital Libraries, September 2008, Aarhus, Denmark,.
(2008) Online labs for distance learners: reflections from an Irish pilot study. In: ISEE-08 - International Symposium for Engineering Education, 8-10 September 2008, Dublin City University, Ireland. ISBN 1872327737
(2008) Organising a large quantity of lifelog images. In: SSMS 2008 - Summer School on Multimedia Semantics - Analysis, Annotation, Retrieval, and Applications, 1-5 September 2008, Crete, Greece.
(2008) Personal reflections of a 1st year postgraduate student. In: ISEE-08 - International Symposium for Engineering Education, 8-10 September 2008, Dublin City University, Ireland. ISBN 1872327737
(2008) Service architecture design for E-Businesses: A pattern-based approach. In: International Conference on E-Commerce and Web Technology EC-Web 2008, 1-5 Sept 2008, Turin, Italy.
(2008) Using peer review to enhance the quality of engineering laboratory reports. In: ISEE-08 - International Symposium for Engineering Education, 8-10 September 2008, Dublin City University, Ireland. ISBN 1872327737
(2008) Disarmament, demobilisation and reintegration (DDR) as a participatory process: involving communities and beneficiaries in post-conflict disarmament programmes. In: European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) Second Graduate Conference, 25-27 August 2008, Universitat Autonòma Barcelona.
(2008) ViCoCITY – A virtual company environment used in distance education to teach key professional skills. In: AISHE-C 2008: Encouraging Student Engagement, 28-29 August 2008, NUI Maynooth, Ireland.
(2008) Wearable technology for bio-chemical analysis of body fluids during exercise. In: 30th Annual International IEEE EMBS Conference, 20-24 August 2008, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. ISBN 978-1-4244-1814-5
(2008) Architecture and challenges of maintaining a large-scale, context-aware human digital memory. In: VIE 2008 - The 5th IET Visual Information Engineering 2008 Conference, 29 July - 1 August 2008, Xi An, China.
(2008) Using term clouds to represent segment-level semantic content of podcasts. In: the Workshop on Searching Spontaneous Conversational Speech at Thirty-First Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR 2008), 24 July 2008, Singapore.
(2008) Combining face detection and novelty to identify important events in a visual lifelog. In: CIT 2008 - IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, Workshop on Image- and Video-based Pattern Analysis and Applications, 8-11 July 2008, Sydney, Australia. ISBN 978-0-7695-3242-4
(2008) Investigating keyframe selection methods in the novel domain of passively captured visual lifelogs. In: CIVR 2008 - ACM International Conference on Image and Video Retrieval, 7-9 July 2008, Niagara Falls, Canada. ISBN 978-1-60558-070-8
(2008) K-Space Interactive Search. In: ACM International Conference on Image and Video Retrieval, 7-9 July 2008, Niagara Falls, Canada. ISBN 978-1-60558-070-8
(2008) Measuring the impact of temporal context on video retrieval. In: CIVR 2008 - ACM International Conference on Image and Video Retrieval, 7-9 July 2008, Niagara Falls, Canada. ISBN 978-1-60558-070-8
(2008) MyPlaces: detecting important settings in a visual diary. In: CIVR 2008 - ACM International Conference on Image and Video Retrieval, 07-09 July 2008, Niagara Falls, Canada. ISBN 978-1-60558-070-8
(2008) Balancing simplicity and functionality in designing user-interface for an interactive TV. In: 6th European Interactive TV Conference (EuroITV 2008), 3-4 July 2008, Salzburg, Austria.
(2008) A search engine for 3D models of museum artefacts. In: PATCH 2008 - 2nd International Workshop on Personalized Access to Cultural Heritage, 28 July - 1 August 2008, Hannover, Germany.
(2008) Classification of dual language audio-visual content: Introduction to the VideoCLEF 2008 pilot benchmark evaluation task. In: the Workshop on Searching Spontaneous Conversational Speech at Thirty-First Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR 2008), July 2008, Singapore.
(2008) Keyframe detection in visual lifelogs. In: Proceedings of the 1st ACM international conference on PErvasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments, July 2008, Athens, Greece. ISBN 978-1-60558-067-8
(2008) iBingo mobile collaborative search. In: CIVR 2008 - ACM International Conference on Image and Video Retrieval., 7-9 July 2008, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada.
(2008) Mo Músaem Fíorúil: a web-based search and information service for museum visitors. In: ICIAR 2008 - International Conference on Image Analysis and Recognition, 25-27 June 2008, Povoa de Varzim, Portugal. ISBN 978-3-540-69811-1
(2008) Vision-based analysis of pedestrian traffic data. In: CBMI 2008 - 6th International Workshop on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing, 18-20 June 2008, London, UK. ISBN 978-1-4244-2043-8
(2008) Treebank-based acquisition of LFG parsing resources for French. In: the Sixth International Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC'08), May 28-30, 2008, Marrakech, Morocco.
(2008) User-centric utility-based data replication in heterogeneous networks. In: IEEE International Conference on Communications, Workshop on Digital Television and Mobile Multimedia Broadcasting, 19-23 May 2008, Beijing, China.
(2008) Passively phase-locked multimode laser: from millimeter to THz wave generation. In: Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics and 2008 Conference on Quantum Electronics and Laser Science, 4–9 May 2008, San Jose, Ca. USA. ISBN 978-1-55752-859-9
(2008) Automatically segmenting lifelog data into events. In: WIAMIS 2008 - 9th International Workshop on Image Analysis for Multimedia Interactive Services, 7-9 May 2008, Klagenfurt, Austria. ISBN 978-0-7695-3130-4
(2008) Aggregating multiple body sensors for analysis in sports. In: pHealth 2008 - 5th International Workshop on Wearable Micro and Nanosystems for Personalised Health, 21-23 May 2008, Valencia, Spain.
(2008) Reducing choice = increasing learning or decreasing marks? In: MEE 2008: 14th SEFI(MWG)/IMA Conference on Mathematical Education of Engineers, 6-9 Apr 2008, Loughborough, UK.
(2008) Classifying public display systems: an input/output channel perspective. In: Designing and Evaluating Mobile Phone-Based Interaction with Public Displays, 5 April 2008, Florence, Italy.
(2008) An effective method for the determination of the locking range of an injection-locked frequency divider. In: RIA Colloquium on Emerging Trends In Wireless Communications, 24 April 2008, Dublin, Ireland.
(2008) Applying contextual memory cues for retrieval from personal information archives. In: PIM 2008 - Personal Information Management in conjunction with CHI 2008 Workshop, 5-6 April 2008, Florence, Italy.
(2008) ELearning and the Lisbon strategy: an analysis of policy streams and policy-making. In: International Conference on European Union Policies in the Making, 18-19 April 2008, Krakow, Poland.
(2008) Supporting engineering students within a maths learning centre environment. In: 14th Mathematical Education of Engineers Conference (MEE 2008), 6-9 Apr 2008, Loughborough, UK.
(2008) Smart PIN: utility-based replication and delivery of multimedia content to mobile users in wireless networks. In: IEEE International Symposium on Broadband Multimedia Systems and Broadcasting 2008: Mobile and Handheld Systems for Entertainment on the Go, 31 March - 2 April 2008, Las Vegas, NV, USA. ISBN 978-1-4244-1648-6
(2008) A content-based retrieval system for UAV-like video and associated metadata. In: SPIE Defense and Security Conference 2008, 16-20 March 2008, Orlando, FL, USA.
(2008) Evaluating the multi-media augmentation of lifelog events. In: Seminar at the Department of Information Studies, University of Tampere, 7 March 2008, Tampere, Finland.
(2008) An evaluation and analysis of incorporating term dependency for ad-hoc retrieval. In: 30th European Conference on Information Retrieval Research (ECIR 2008),, 30 Mar - 3 Apr 2008, Glasgow, Scotland.
(2008) Focused browsing: Providing topical feedback for link selection in hypertext browsing. In: 30th European Conference on Information Retrieval Research (ECIR 2008), 30 Mar - 3 Apr 2008, Glasgow, Scotland.
(2008) An examination of a large visual lifelog. In: AIRS 2008 - 4th Asia Information Retrieval Symposium, 15-18 Janurary 2008, Harbin, China. ISBN 978-3-540-68633-0
(2008) Business model driven service architecture design for enterprise application integration. In: International Conference on Business Innovation and Information Technology, 24-25 january, Dublin, Ireland. ISBN 978-3-8325-2202-5
(2008) Domain-specific query translation for multilingual information access using machine translation augmented with dictionaries mined from Wikipedia. In: CLIA 2008 - 2nd International Workshop on Cross Lingual Information Access: Addressing the Information Need of Multilingual Societies, 11 Jan 2008, Hyderabad, India.
(2008) A TSSA algorithm based approach to enhance the performance of warehouse system. In: ICARCV 2008 - 10th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision, 17-20 December 2008, Hanoi, Vietnam. ISBN 978-1-4244-2286-9
(2008) A syntactic language model based on incremental CCG parsing. In: SLT 2008 - 2nd IEEE Spoken Language Technology Workshop, 15-19 December 2008, Goa, India. ISBN 978-1-4244-3471-8
(2008) Accurate and robust LFG-based generation for Chinese. In: INLG 08 - 5th International Natural Language Generation Conference, 12-14 June 2008, Salt Fork, Ohio, USA.
(2008) Adapting a WSJ-trained parser to grammatically noisy text. In: ACL-08:HLT - 46th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies, 15-20 June 2008, Columbus, USA.
(2008) Aliquoting structure for centrifugal microfluidics based on a new pneumatic valve. In: MEMS 2008 - 21st International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems. ISBN 978-1-4244-1792-6
(2008) All-optical pulse processing for advanced photonic communication system. In: ICTON 2008 - 10th Anniversary International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks, 22-26 June 2008, Athens, Greece.
(2008) All-optical sampling in a multiple quantum well saturable absorber. In: OFC/NFOEC 2008 - 2008 Conference on Optical Fiber Communication/National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference, 24-28 Feb 2008, San Diego, CA, USA.
(2008) Assistive translation technology for deaf people: translating into and animating Irish sign language. In: ICCHP 2008 - 12th International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs, 9-11 July 2008, Linz, Austria.
(2008) Automatic generation of parallel treebanks. In: COLING 2008 - 22nd International Conference on Computational Linguistics, 18-22 August 2008, Manchester, UK.
(2008) Branch prediction for network processors. In: ICM 2008 - International Conference on Microelectronics, 14-17 December 2008, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates. ISBN 978-1-4244-2369-9
(2008) Business model driven service architecture design for enterprise application integration. In: WEWST 2008 - 3rd Workshop on Emerging Web Services Technology, 12 Nov 2008, Dublin, Ireland.
(2008) Chemical species concentration measurement via wireless sensors. In: WCSET 2008: World Congress on Science, Engineering and Technology, 29-31 October 2008, Venice, Italy. ISBN 2070-3740
(2008) Comparing constituency and dependency representations for SMT phrase-extraction. In: TALN 2008 - la 15éme Conférence Annuelle sur le Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles, 9-13 June 2008, Avignon, France.
(2008) Complete performance analysis of a 3.5 ps pulse source consisting of a gain-switched laser diode followed by a non-linearly chirped grating. In: CLEO/QELS 2008 - Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference and Photonic Applications Systems Technologies, 4-9 May 2008, San Jose, California, USA. ISBN 978-1-55752-859-9
(2008) Context and linking in retrieval from personal digital archives. In: SIGIR 2008 - 31st Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, 20-24 July 2008, Singapore. ISBN 978-1-60558-164-4
(2008) Cost efficient narrow linewidth laser transmitter for coherent detection. In: CLEO/QELS 2008 - Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics and Quantum Electronics and Laser Science, 4-9 May 2008, San Jose, CA, USA. ISBN 978-1-55752-859-9
(2008) Cost-effective HPC clustering for computer vision applications. In: IMVIP 2008 - International Machine Vision and Image Processing Conference, 3-5 September 2008, Portrush, Northern Ireland. ISBN 978-0-7695-3332-2
(2008) Dependency-based n-gram models for general purpose sentence realisation. In: COLING 2008 - 22nd International Conference on Computational Linguistics, 18-22 August 2008, Manchester, UK.
(2008) Discrete mode laser diodes with ultra narrow linewidth emission <3kHz. In: OFC/NFOEC 2008 - 2008 Conference on Optical Fiber Communication/National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference, 24-28 Feb 2008, San Diego, CA, USA.
(2008) Dispersion insensitive, high-speed optical clock recovery based on a mode-locked laser diode. In: OFC/NFOEC 2008 - 2008 Conference on Optical Fiber Communication/National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference, 24-28 Feb 2008, San Diego, CA, USA.
(2008) Dublin City University at CLEF 2007: Cross-Language Speech Retrieval Experiments. In: CLEF 2007: Workshop on Cross Language Information Retrieval and Evaluation, 19-21 Sept. 2007, Budapest, Hungary.
(2008) Dublin City University at QA@CLEF 2008. In: CLEF 2008 - 9th Workshop of the Cross-Language Evaluation Forum, 17-19 September, 2008, Aarhus, Denmark. ISBN 978-3-642-04446-5
(2008) Dynamic circulating-loop methods for transmission experiments in optically transparent networks. In: ICTON 2008 - 10th Anniversary International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks, 22-26 June 2008.
(2008) Energy efficient packet classification hardware accelerator. In: IPDPS 2008 - IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing, 14-18 April 2008, Miami, FL, USA. ISBN 978-1-4244-1693-6
(2008) Evaluation of local orientation for texture classification. In: VISAPP 2008 - 3rd International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, 22-25 January 2008, Madeira, Portugal.
(2008) Exploiting alignment techniques in MATREX: the DCU machine translation system for IWSLT 2008. In: IWSLT 2008 - International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation, 20-21 October 2008, Hawaii, USA.
(2008) Exploring evolutionary stability in a concurrent artificial chemistry. In: ECCS 2008: 5th European Conference on Complex Systems 2008, 10-19 Sept. 2008, Jerusalem, Israel.
(2008) Functionalised nanostructured polyaniline? A new substrate for building adaptive sensing surfaces. In: 2007 MRS Fall Meeting, 26-30 November 2007, Boston, MA, USA.
(2008) HealthSense: an application for querying raw sensor data. In: ER 2008 - 27th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling, 20-24 October, 2008, Barcelona, Spain. ISBN 978-3-540-87876-6
(2008) High-speed chromatic dispersion monitoring of a two-channel WDM system using a single TPA microcavity. In: CLEO/QELS 2008 - Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference and Photonic Applications Systems Technologies, 4-9 May 2008, San Jose, California, USA. ISBN 978-1-55752-859-9
(2008) Hybrid radio over fiber system for generation and distribution of UWB signals. In: ICTON 2008 - 10th Anniversary International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks, 22-26 June 2008, Athens, Greece. ISBN 978-1-4244-2626-3
(2008) Improving word alignment using syntactic dependencies. In: ACL08-SSST - Proceedings of ACL08 workshop on Syntax and Structure in Statistical Translation, 20 June 2008, Columbus, Ohio, USA..
(2008) Innovative instruments for the accreditation of vocational learning outcomes: recognition and validation of prior learning in vocationally related education in Ireland. In: ECER 2008 - The European Conference on Educational Research 2008: From Teaching to Learning?, 8-12 Sept 2008, Goteburg, Sweden.
(2008) Learning morphology with Morfette. In: LREC 2008 - Sixth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, 28-30 May 2008, Marrakech, Morocco.
(2008) MATREX: the DCU MT System for WMT 2008. In: ACL08-SMT - Proceedings of ACL08 workshop on Statistical Machine Translation, 19 June 2008, Columbus, Ohio, USA..
(2008) MaTrEx: the DCU machine translation system for ICON 2008. In: NLP Tools Contest: Statistical Machine Translation (English to Hindi), 6th International Conference on Natural Language Processing, 19 December 2008, Pune, India.
(2008) Making it real: information literacy and student engagement. In: AISHE-C 2008: Encouraging Student Engagement, 28-29 August 2008, NUI Maynooth, Ireland.
(2008) Mobile, ubiquitous information seeking, as a group: the iBingo collaborative video retrieval system. In: MobiQuitous 2008 - The 5th Annual International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing Networking and Services, 21-25 July 2008, Dublin, Ireland.
(2008) Modeling and evolving biochemical networks: insights into communication and computation from the biological domain. In: CIICT 2008: China-Ireland International Conference on Information and Communications Technologies, 26-28 September 2008, Beijing, China. ISBN 9780863419218
(2008) Multi-resolution texture classification based on local image orientation. In: ICIAR 2008 - International Conference on Image Analysis and Recognition, 25-27 June 2008, Póvoa de Varzim, Portugal. ISBN 978-3-540-69811-1
(2008) Near-wall velocity of suspended particles in microchannel flow. In: MEMS 2008 - 21st IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems, 13-17 January 2008, Tucson, AZ , USA. ISBN 978-1-4244-1792-6
(2008) On stability and model order reduction of perturbed nonlinear neural networks. In: ECMS 2008 - 22nd European Conference on Modelling and Simulation, 3-6 June 2008, Nicosia, Cyprus.
(2008) Packed rules for automatic transfer-rule induction. In: the European Association of Machine Translation Conference 2008, Hamburg, Germany.
(2008) Parser evaluation and the BNC: evaluating 4 constituency parsers with 3 metrics. In: LREC 2008 - Sixth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, 28-30 May 2008, Marrakech, Morocco.
(2008) Parser-based retraining for domain adaptation of probabilistic generators. In: INLG 08 - 5th International Natural Language Generation Conference, 12-14 June 2008, Salt Fork, Ohio, USA.
(2008) Passively mode-locked semiconductor lasers and their applications. In: ICTON 2008 - 10th Anniversary International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks, 22-26 June 2008, Athens, Greece. ISBN 978-1-4244-2625-6
(2008) Pattern-based business-driven analysis and design of service architectures. In: The 3rd International Conference on Software and Data Technologies ICSOFT’2008., 2008, Porto, Portugal.
(2008) Power divergence due to wavelength rerouting in long haul circulating loop experiments. In: ECOC 2008 - 34th European Conference on Optical Communication, 21-25 Sept 2008, Brussels, Belgium.
(2008) Query management in a sensor environment. In: ICPADS 2008 - 14th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 8-10 Dec, 2008, Melbourne, Australia. ISBN 978-0-7695-3434-3
(2008) Revisiting the cache effect on multicore multithreaded network processors. In: DSD 2008 - 11th EUROMICRO Conference on Digital System Design Architectures, Methods and Tools, 3-5 September 2008, Parma, Italy. ISBN 978-0-7695-3277-6
(2008) Spiropyran modified microfluidic chip channels for photonically controlled sensor array detection of metal ions. In: CIMTEC 2008 - 3rd International Conference-Smart Materials, Structures and Systems, 8-13 June 2008, Acireale, Sicily, Italy.
(2008) Structuring and augmenting a visual personal diary. In: VGV08 - Irish Graduate Student Symposium on Vision, Graphics and Visualisation, 5 June 2008, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland.
(2008) Synchronization service integrated into routing layer in wireless sensor networks. In: WCNC 2008 - Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, March 31 2008-April 3 2008, Las Vegas, USA. ISBN 978-1-4244-1997-5
(2008) The ATIS sign language corpus. In: LREC 2008 - Sixth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, 28-30 May 2008, Marrakech, Morocco.
(2008) The childhood development initiative: developing quality services. In: Vision into Practice, 8-10 Jan 2007, Dublin, Ireland.
(2008) Time-resolved linewidth measurements of a wavelength switched SG-DBR laser for optical packet switched networks. In: OFC/NFOEC 2008 - 2008 Conference on Optical Fiber Communication/National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference, 24-28 Feb 2008, San Diego, CA, USA.
(2008) Towards dynamic camera calibration for constrained flexible mirror imaging. In: OMNIVIS 2008 - The Eighth Workshop on Omnidirectional Vision, 17 October 2008, Marseille, France.
(2008) Triple-wavelength fiber ring laser based on a hybrid gain medium actively mode-locked at 10 GHz. In: CNSDSP 2008 - 6th International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing, 25-25 July 2008 , Graz, Austria.
(2008) Unexpected evolutionary dynamics in a string based artificial chemistry. In: Artificial Life XI: the Eleventh International Conference on the Simulation and Synthesis of Living Systems, 5-8 August 2008, Winchester, United Kingdom. ISBN 978-0-262-75017-2
(2008) Wavelength tunable lasers in future optical communication systems. In: ICTON 2008 - 10th Anniversary International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks, 22-26 June 2008, Athens, Greece.
(2008) Combining relevance information in a synchronous collaborative information retrieval environment. In: Collaborative and Social Information Retrieval and Access: Techniques for Improved User Modeling. IGI Global. ISBN 978-1-60566-306-7
(2008) A systems engineering approach to robotic bin picking. In: Stereo Vision. InTech. ISBN 978-953-7619-22-0
(2008) Colour Texture analysis. In: Handbook of Texture Analysis. Imperial College Press. ISBN 978-1-84816-115-3/1-84861-115-8
(2008) The changing role of the academic library in learning and teaching. In: Emerging Issues II: The Changing Roles and Identities of Teachers and Learners in Higher Education. National Academy for Integration of Research, Teaching and Learning. University College Cork, Cork, Ireland, pp. 141-152. ISBN 9781906642013
(2008) Party discipline and cohesion in comparative perspective. In: Intra-Party Politics and Coalition Governments. Routledge/ECPR Studies in European Political Science . Routledge, pp. 103-120. ISBN 978-0-415-46225-9
(2008) Party regulation and democratisation: challenges for further research. In: Political Parties in Conflict-Prone Societies: Regulation, Engineering and Democratic Development. United Nations University Press, Tokyo, pp. 223-241. ISBN 978-92-808-1157-5
(2008) Semi-presidentialism and democratisation in Poland. In: Semi-presidentialism in Central and Eastern Europe. Manchester University Press, pp. 120-137. ISBN 9780719075353
(2008) Come on, be serious: positioning and framing in the power play of classroom-based reproductive and genetic technology debates. In: Science and its Publics. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle, pp. 57-77. ISBN 9781847185884
(2008) Internet: turning science communication inside-out? In: Handbook of Public Communication of Science and Technology. Routledge, London and New York. ISBN 978-0-415-38617-3
(2008) Chemically stabilized subtilisins in peptide synthesis. In: Biotechnology and bioengineering. Nova Science Publishers, Hauppauge, NY, pp. 75-97. ISBN 978-1-60456-067-1
(2008) Content and Language Integrated Learning: reflections on a pilot module. In: TEANGA. THE IRISH YEARBOOK OF APPLIED LINGUISTICS. Special Edition . Irish Association for Applied Language, pp. 76-91.
(2008) Corpus planning for Irish – dictionaries and terminology. In: A New View of the Irish Language. Cois Life, Dublin, pp. 93-107. ISBN 978-1-901176-82-7
(2008) Data integration through service-based mediation for web-enabled information systems. In: Software Engineering for Modern Web Applications: Methodologies and Technologies. Information Science Reference . IGI Global, pp. 84-99. ISBN 978-159904492-7
(2008) Goldfish memories? On seeing and hearing marginalised identities in contemporary Irish cinema. In: Facing the other: interdisciplinary studies on race, gender and social justice in Ireland. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 182-203. ISBN 9781847185976
(2008) Interaction design for personal photo management on a mobile device. In: Handbook of Research on User Interface Design and Evaluation for Mobile Technology. IGI Global publications, pp. 69-85. ISBN 9781599048710
(2008) Model-driven performance evaluation for service engineering. In: Emerging Web Services Technology. Birkhaeuser Computer Science, II . Springer-Birkhaeuser, pp. 171-185. ISBN 978-3-7643-8863-9
(2008) Political parties and minority participation: case of Roma, Ashkalia and Egyptians in Kosovo. In: Political Parties and Minority Participation. FES Skopje, Skopje, Macedonia, pp. 153-178. ISBN 978-9989-109-44-7
(2008) Quality-aware model-driven service engineering. In: Model-Driven Software Development: Integrating Quality Assurance. Information Science Reference . IGI Global, pp. 400-430. ISBN 978-160566006-6
(2008) Republican policies in practical politics: placing Sinn Féin in a European context. In: Republicanism in Ireland: Confronting Theories and Traditions. Manchester University Press, Manchester, pp. 131-146. ISBN 9780719075926
(2008) The future of technology enhanced active learning – a roadmap. In: Technology Enhanced Learning. IGI Global, pp. 348-375. ISBN 978-159904600-6
(2008) Towards an analytical framework of science communication models. In: Communicating science in social contexts: new models, new practices. Springer Netherlands, pp. 119-138. ISBN 978-1-4020-8597-0
(2008) War survivors' fractured identities in 'Hiroshima mon amour'. In: War, virtual war and society. The challenge to communities. Rodopi, Amsterdam-New York, pp. 61-72. ISBN 978-90-420-2347-5
, ed. (2008) Calcium phosphates for medical applications. Dublin City University. ISBN 1-87232-776-1
, ed. (2008) Ceramics for medical applications. Dublin City University. ISBN 1-87232-752-4
, ed. (2008) Resources for developing a school wide literacy plan. Curriculum Development Unit, Dublin.
, ed. (2008) Supporting Quality: guidelines for professional practice in early childhood services Book 1 Policy & Governance. Supporting Quality, 1 . Barnardos, Dublin, Ireland. ISBN 978-1-906004-05-7
(2008) Peer tutoring project report evaluation report. Project Report. Curriculum Development Unit.
(2008) Innovation processes and industrial districts. DCU Business School Research Paper Series. (Paper No. 44). Dublin City University Business School, Ireland. ISSN: 1393-290X
(2008) Class/race polarisation in Venezuela and the electoral success of Hugo Chávez: a break with the past or the song remains the same? Working Papers in International Studies Series. (Paper No. 2008-9). Centre for International Studies, Dublin City University, Ireland.
(2008) HR practices, social climate, and knowledge flows: towards social resources management. LInK Working Paper Series. (Paper No. 01-08). The Learning, Innovation and Knowledge Research Centre, Dublin City University, Ireland.
(2008) High performance work systems, workforce productivity, and innovation: a comparison of MNCs and indigenous firms. LInK Working Paper Series. (Paper No. 04-08). The Learning, Innovation and Knowledge Research Centre, Dublin City University, Ireland.
(2008) Leadership, human resource management and the content of the psychological contract. LInK Working Paper Series. (Paper No. 03-08). The Learning, Innovation and Knowledge Research Centre, Dublin City University, Ireland.
(2008) Media, fear and the hyperreal: the construction of cyberterrorism as the ultimate threat to critical infrastructures. Working Papers in International Studies Series. (Paper No. 2008-5). Centre for International Studies, Dublin City University, Ireland.
(2008) Partnership, high performance work systems and organizational effectiveness. LInK Working Paper Series. (Paper No. 02-08). The Learning, Innovation and Knowledge Research Centre, Dublin City University, Ireland.
(2008) Top team trust, knowledge sharing and innovation. LInK Working Paper Series. (Paper No. 05-08). The Learning, Innovation and Knowledge Research Centre, Dublin City University, Ireland.
(2008) Why is there no radical right party in Ireland? Working Papers in International Studies Series. (Paper No. 2008-1). Centre for International Studies, Dublin City University, Ireland.