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Christian Orthodox ethics’ viewpoint on laboratory animals

Mavropoulos, Angelos orcid logoORCID: 0000-0002-2306-8476 (2019) Christian Orthodox ethics’ viewpoint on laboratory animals. International Journal of Orthodox Theology, 10 (3). pp. 109-134. ISSN 2190-1023

'Laboratory animals’ are non-human living beings, which are used by science for experimental or observational purposes. Several important contemporary scientific achievements, particularly in the field of biomedicine, have been accomplished thanks to animal experimentation; thence, more and more animals have nowadays been used in scientific research. Nevertheless, the issue of laboratory animals raises ethical concerns and has been the cause of many disagreements and controversy. These disagreements have been intensified since World War II and more so following the expressed theories of ethicist Peter Singer (1975), who has been the main representative of the animal rights movement. After 1990, the emergence of genetic engineering has intensified the dispute even further. What is, however, the viewpoint of Christian Orthodox Ethics towards animal experimentation? Are acts such as captivity, inflicting pain or even putting down living creatures, for the sake of scientific progress, morally justified according to the ethics of the Orthodox theological tradition?
Item Type:Article (Published)
Uncontrolled Keywords:Laboratory Animals; Animal Experimentation; Christian Ethics; Bioethics; Orthodoxy
Subjects:Humanities > Philosophy
Humanities > Religions
Medical Sciences > Medical ethics
DCU Faculties and Centres:DCU Faculties and Schools > Faculty of Humanities and Social Science > School of Theology, Philosophy, & Music
Publisher:International Journal of Orthodox Theology
Official URL:https://www.orthodox-theology.com/pages/issues/103...
Copyright Information:© 2019 The Author. CC-BY-NC
ID Code:25208
Deposited On:27 Nov 2020 14:12 by Angelos Mavropoulos . Last Modified 27 Nov 2020 14:12

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